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Alpha-Zulu quiz (3 points)

Ahoy, officer

your task is to pass a test that is part of the crew drill. Because of your rank of third officer, you must lead the crew by example and pass the test without a single mistake.

May you have fair winds and following seas!

The quiz webpage is available at http://quiz.cns-jv.tcc.



The website hosts a quiz form that asks us to identify various blobs (in random order). They can be identified by some known file beginnings/substrings (MZ, PK), using e.g. file tool, by length (hashes) or simply by the process of elimination.

The answers are:

Base32 encoded data Base64 encoded data .NET ViewState value ELF binary Encoded PowerShell command GZip hex stream Java Serialized data Java Serialized hex stream JSON Web Token Linux x86 Shellcode MD5 sum Microsoft EVTX file signature Microsoft Windows executable binary PHP serialized object SHA1 sum UNIX timestamp UTF-16 Little Endian encoded data Wordpress hash XOR obfuscated string ZIP archive

After successfully answering all the questions the quiz continues, but the flag is revealed. FLAG